(External shot of weird moonscape. Camera pans to reveal three moons in the sky, then zooms in on a moonbase-type structure located on the planet's surface)
It is the year 2050. I'm Captain Brash Starvek of the elite Starblaze
Squadron barracked here on Zirconia 6. I fly by the seat of my pants - and have taken enough heat for it to cook a Fillopian hurka-beast - but I'm the best damn pilot around, and the brass knows it. Sure, I'm a maverick, a wildcard, but when it comes to getting out of sticky situations I'm a slippery as an eel from the Plutonian Sea. In all my years of service protecting humanity from the evil warlords of Planet Nebula, nothing will ever compare to the Great Battle of '47.
(Fade to interior shot of high-tech pilot's barracks. Several young men are playing cards in the foreground on one of the bunks. In the background several more young men are engaged with tossing a football and general horseplay)
(Voice-over continues)
I was a fresh young recruit, green as a Xili bush, and eager as hell to prove myself. Little did I realize that I was soon going to be involved in the most terrible space battle in history, with all of humanity hung in the balance! I remember the day the oreders came in as though it was yesterday...
(A fresh-faced young pilot runs into the barracks. He is a freckeled cheerful looking fellow named Billy Thorogood and is young Starvek's closest commerade)
"Hey fellahs! Sarge says if we finish prep detail by 0900 hours we can invite the girls from the Med-Cen over for a dance and social mixer!"