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Commentary -- Wife's RX
......You know what they say about using your spouse's medicine, don't you? Well, I didn't. I don't know what it is about SCUBA diving, but being in a truly high-pressure environment must cause some internal compaction (butt maybe it's only me...). Anyways, after several days of diving, I often have epic stints on the can. After one series of particularly tough times, I found that some veins in the nether regions decided to head towards the surface for a better view... My wife, having recently given birth to real babies (and a set of twins, no less!) had some medicine left over that addressed the same topical issue. So, I looked at the unpronouncable name and asked, "Did this help you?" She replied, "Yes, it was great. Go ahead, use some." So I applied the cream with greatgusto down below. Upon standing I noted a burning. "Is it supposed to burn?" I asked. My wife said, "No, not really, but it'll go away I bet." Unfortunately, the burning returned with each new application...
......After 2 days of this, I decided to look for some regular stuff in our medicine box. I didn't find any Preparation H, but I did find two tubes of Proctosol. Even to me that sounded like the right kind of medicine for what ailed me. Once my wife came home that night, I asked her about the Proctosol. With a puzzled look she said, "That's the stuff for the 'roids." Then I looked puzzled. "So what have I been putting on my bum?" I asked. We both headed for the bathroom to inspect the mystery tube. Upon looking closely at it she began to laugh hysterically. "Oh my god, this is my stretch-mark cream!" she blurted out.
......So, there you have it. I may not have gotten rid of the bumps on my bum, but I have an awfully wrinkle free...
Submitted by:
Steve Lonhart

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