I found a new word the other day
In a magazine
A sign of the times, I suppose
I laughed on the plane
And said the word out loud to myself
The man next to me gave the sidelong glance
So I looked at him and said
And he got to up to go the bathroom
What a fantastically large word really
So descriptive
For example
I suppose I could say I have viagrafied an idea
An idea that had a limp beginning
But with a little help from some sort of artificial stimulus
And you know what I mean
I was able to take this little flaccid concept
And have it come to it's full potential
And explode
With relatively few side effects
My spell check is not privy to this word
It wants to change it
But has no suggestions
The dictionary is impotent
Must be frustrating to not be able to perform the task at hand
A warning though
Be careful with this word
Its context hasn't yet been fully tested
And although it's okay to use in public
Some people might find it difficult to discuss
In mixed company
And find it embarrassing
To admit
That it requires a little help from an unnatural source
To bring something that should happen on its own
To its full potential.